

New Body Products

It will only be possible to meet the requirements for the body in white of the future from a technical and commercial perspective by using innovative designs and manufacturing processes. The New Body Products business unit therefore works with our customers to develop innovations in the body in white sector—our global positioning in the steel, aluminum, and fiber-reinforced composite sectors is the ideal basis for this. As a result, we are creating new products, especially in the field of e-mobility, that stand out thanks to their consistent and economical lightweight construction.

High-voltage storage housing : LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN AND ECONOMY

Leichte und wirtschaftliche Batteriegehäuse

Light and economical battery housings made of steel—that is no contradiction thanks to the systematic application of Mubea technologies:

the focus is on costs as well as on the numerous technical requirements for electric vehicle battery housings. In this difficult situation, aluminum housings are often used to reduce weight and high costs have to be accepted in the process. With its Tailor Rolled Blanks technology, Mubea uses steel as the material and is able to significantly reduce the manufacturing costs of battery housings—while maintaining weight neutrality with regard to aluminum and improving crash performance and suitability for mass production at the same time. Moreover, the targeted use of CFRP or GFRP can be used to further adjust the cost/weight ratio to meet customer specifications.

Innovative thermal management systems for automotive applications : MUBEA ROLL BONDING PROCESS

Mubea Showplate

The roll bonding process for highly demanding and economic temperature control applications in the vehicle of the future

Electric traction batteries and electric motors are just two examples of the core components of the “electric vehicle of the future”, for which efficient temperature control is essential.

The Mubea roll bonding process delivers thermal management systems that are characterized by the highest cooling and heating capacities as well as outstanding economy. Roll bonding is the process of rolling two aluminum coils together under controlled temperatures and pressures. By applying a print image beforehand, the coils are prevented from joining locally. The printing image is then mechanically opened from outside the pate and inflated with high pressurized air, which forms out the channels. All customer requirements can be implemented without tools and with maximum design freedom.

Our product development process : THE OPTIMAL SOLUTION FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT

Our goal is to provide our customers with cost-effective lightweight products.


Development process

Technology-specific methods for component design and optimization

Our goal is to provide our customers with cost-effective lightweight products. To do this, we use Mubea technologies to develop the optimal solution for every requirement.

We have integrated our extensive expert knowledge into software tools developed specifically for this purpose. This enables us to achieve the best performance (mechanical, thermal, and electromagnetic) and optimize costs—tailored to individual customer requirements.

Prozessentwicklung New Body Products

Process development

Mubea’s innovative manufacturing processes include the roll bonding of aluminum, the development of production lines for hybrid modular elements, and the realization of new solutions from cold- or hot-formed Tailor Rolled Blanks.

For the production of our innovative car body products, we develop new and highly efficient manufacturing processes in close cooperation with our specialists in the fields of materials, process, and design.

We evaluate the process concepts developed in this way, confirm them experimentally, and validate them using prototypes. Based on the knowledge gained from development and prototype construction, we design our modular systems for subsequent series production in order to meet the ever-increasing demands for economy and flexibility.

Materialanwendung New Body Products

Material application

Tailored material and coating solutions for Mubea body applications

We develop, assess, and qualify current and new material and coating systems for our customers.

At the same time, we carry out benchmark analyses and potential evaluations with regard to weight and economy. Working closely with our process development department, we create products with optimal performance using the material and a tailored manufacturing process.